Source code for time_series_transform.transform_core_api.util

from numpy.fft import *
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pywt
from scipy.stats.mstats import gmean

[docs]def moving_average(arr, windowSize=3) : """ moving_average the arithimetic moving average Given the window size, this function will perform simple moving average Parameters ---------- arr : numpy array the input array windowSize : int, optional the grouping size, by default 3 Returns ------- numpy array the moving average array """ orgLen = len(arr) arr = arr[~np.isnan(arr)] ret = np.cumsum(arr, dtype=float) ret[windowSize:] = ret[windowSize:] - ret[:-windowSize] ret = ret[windowSize - 1:] / windowSize res = np.empty((int(orgLen-len(ret)))) res[:] = np.nan return np.append(res,ret)
[docs]def rfft_transform(arr, threshold=1e3): """ rfft_transform real fast fourier transformation Fast fourier trnasformation and ignoring the imagine number note: numpy implmentation Parameters ---------- arr : numpy array input array threshold : float, optional the threshold used for filter frequency, by default 1e3 Returns ------- numpy array rfft array """ orgLen = len(arr) arr = arr[~np.isnan(arr)] fourier = rfft(arr) frequencies = rfftfreq(arr.size, d=20e-3/arr.size) fourier[frequencies > threshold] = 0 fourier = irfft(fourier) res = np.empty((int(orgLen-len(fourier)))) res[:] = np.nan return np.append(res,fourier)
[docs]def madev(d, axis=None): """ Mean absolute deviation """ return np.mean(np.absolute(d - np.mean(d, axis)), axis)
[docs]def wavelet_denoising(arr, wavelet='db4',coeff_mode = "per",threshold_mode='hard',rec_mode='per', level=1,matchOriginLenth=True): """ wavelet_denoising wavelet transformation wavelet transformation, with pywt implmentation Parameters ---------- arr : numpy array input array wavelet : str, optional wavelet transform family, by default 'db4' coeff_mode : str, optional the coefficient mode, by default "per" threshold_mode : str, optional the threshold tye, by default 'hard' rec_mode : str, optional recover mode, by default 'per' level : int, optional sigma level for theshold, by default 1 matchOriginLenth : bool, optional whether to match the input array length, by default True Returns ------- numpy array wevelet transformed array """ orgLen = len(arr) arr = arr[~np.isnan(arr)] coeff = pywt.wavedec(arr, wavelet, mode=coeff_mode) sigma = (1/0.6745) * madev(coeff[-level]) uthresh = sigma * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(len(arr))) coeff[1:] = (pywt.threshold(i, value=uthresh, mode=threshold_mode) for i in coeff[1:]) wav = pywt.waverec(coeff, wavelet, mode=rec_mode) if matchOriginLenth: if len(wav) > orgLen: return wav[:len(arr)] else: res = np.empty((int(orgLen-len(wav)))) res[:] = np.nan return np.append(res,wav) else: return wav
[docs]def differencing(arr,order =1): """ differencing time series differencing it simply perform series differencing For example: order 1 Xt, Xt+1 --> Xt+1 - Xt order 2 Xt, Xt+1, Xt+2 --> Xt+1 - Xt, Xt+2-Xt+1 = a,b --> b - a and so on Parameters ---------- arr : numpy array input array order : int, optional number of differencing, by default 1 Returns ------- numpy array differenced array """ for i in range(order): if i == 0: diff = np.diff(arr) else: diff = np.diff(diff) res = np.empty((int(len(arr)-len(diff)))) res[:] = np.nan return np.append(res,diff)
[docs]def ema(arr, com = None, span = None, halflife = None, alpha = None, adjust = True, min_periods = 0, ignore_na = False, axis = 0): """ this is the panads ema implmentation """ df = pd.DataFrame(arr) return df.ewm(com = com, span = span, halflife = halflife, alpha = alpha, min_periods = min_periods, adjust = adjust, ignore_na = ignore_na, axis = axis).mean().to_numpy()
[docs]def geometric_ma(arr,windowSize): """ geometric_ma geometric moving average it use pandas rolling window with sicpy gmean function Parameters ---------- arr : numpy array input arrray windowSize : int grouping size Returns ------- numpy array geometric moving average array """ return pd.Series(arr).rolling(window=windowSize).apply(gmean)