Source code for time_series_transform.transform_core_api.base

import copy
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pprint
import collections
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from collections import ChainMap
from collections import Counter
import uuid

[docs]class Time_Series_Data(object): def __init__(self,data=None,time_index=None): """ __init__ Time_Series_Data initializer Time_Series_Data is the basic data structure used for the entire package. There are three main components: time_series_IX, data, and label. Three of them are based upon dictionary data structure. All data should have the same length as time_series_IX. Parameters ---------- data : dict of list, optional the data of input values; it can have time_index. if it has time_index, the name should be passed to time_index parameter, by default None time_index : dict of list or string or numeric type, optional if it is dict of list the time_series_IX will be initiated by the value. else it will use the information and search from data parameter., by default None Raises ------ ValueError data type error """ data = copy.deepcopy(data) self._time_index = {} self.time_length = 0 self.time_seriesIx = None self._data ={} if time_index is not None: if isinstance(time_index,dict): for i in time_index: self.time_seriesIx = list(time_index.keys())[0] self.set_time_index(time_index[i],i) elif isinstance(time_index,(str,int,float)): self.time_seriesIx = time_index self.set_time_index(data[time_index],time_index) data.pop(time_index) else: raise ValueError('invalid data type for time_index') if data is not None: for i in data: self.set_data(data[i],i) self._labels = {} def _validate_time_index(self,time_index): ctn = collections.Counter(time_index) for i in ctn: if ctn[i] > 1: raise('time index item must be unique') @property def data(self): return self._data @property def labels(self): return self._labels @property def time_index(self): return self._time_index
[docs] def set_data(self,inputData,label): """ set_data setter of data the alternative of setting data. Before setting data, time_series_Ix should be initialized beforehand. Parameters ---------- inputData : list input value of data label : str the name of list input Returns ------- self it will return self Raises ------ ValueError different time length error """ if len(inputData) != self.time_length: raise ValueError('input data has different time length') self._data[label] = np.array(inputData) return self
[docs] def set_labels(self,inputData,label): """ set_data setter of label the alternative of setting data. Before setting data, time_series_Ix should be initialized beforehand. Parameters ---------- inputData : list input value of data label : str the name of list input Returns ------- self it will return self Raises ------ ValueError different time length error """ if len(inputData) != self.time_length: raise ValueError('input data has different time length') self._labels[label] = np.array(inputData) return self
[docs] def remove(self,key,remove_type=None): """ remove remove data or label this function will remove the target key and values from the data structure Parameters ---------- key : str the name of data or label remove_type : ['data','label'], optional passing the type of removed data will improve the performance of searching, by default None Returns ------- self it will pass self """ if key in and (remove_type is None or remove_type == 'data'): self._data.pop(key) if key in self.labels and (remove_type is None or remove_type == 'label'): self._labels.pop(key) return self
def _nan_pos(self,dataArray): if isinstance(dataArray[0],(list,np.ndarray)): res = [] for i in dataArray: res.append(np.isnan(i).any()) return np.argwhere(res).tolist() return np.argwhere(np.isnan(np.asarray(dataArray))).tolist()
[docs] def dropna(self): """ dropna drop null values it will drop null values for the time index. For example, time_index:[1,2,3], data1:[1,2,np.nan], data2[1,2,3] dropna will return time_index:[1,2], data1:[1,2], data2[1,2] Returns ------- Time_Series_Data it will return a new Time_Series_Data without null values """ ixList = [] notNaList=[] for i in tmp = self._nan_pos([i]) for t in tmp: ixList.extend(t) for i in self.labels: tmp = self._nan_pos(self.labels[i]) for t in tmp: ixList.extend(t) if len(ixList) == 0: return self ixList = list(set(ixList)) for i in range(self.time_length): if i in ixList: notNaList.append(False) continue notNaList.append(True) tsd = Time_Series_Data(self[notNaList],self.time_seriesIx) for i in self.labels: tsd = tsd.set_labels(tsd[:,[i]][i],i) tsd = tsd.remove(i,'data') return tsd
[docs] def set_time_index(self,inputData,label): """ set_time_index alternative of setting time_index setting time_index Parameters ---------- inputData : list input values label : str name of time_index Returns ------- self it will return self """ self._time_index = {} self._time_index[label] = np.array(inputData) self.time_seriesIx = label self.time_length = len(inputData) return self
def _get_dictionary_list_info(self,dictionary,indexSlice,label): res = {} if label is None: for i in dictionary: res[i] = dictionary[i][indexSlice] else: res[label] = dictionary[label][indexSlice] return res def _reorder_list(self,sortingList,targetList,ascending): descending = 1-ascending ixList = sorted(range(len(sortingList)), key=lambda k: sortingList[k],reverse = descending) ordered_list = [targetList[i] for i in ixList] return np.array(ordered_list)
[docs] def sort(self,ascending=True): """ sort sorting data by time_index sort data by index Parameters ---------- ascending : bool, optional whether to sort the time index ascending, by default True Returns ------- self it will return a sorted self """ sortingList = list(self.time_index.values())[0] for data in[data] = self._reorder_list(sortingList,[data],ascending) for label in self.labels: self.labels[label] = self._reorder_list(sortingList,self.labels[label],ascending) for time in self.time_index: self.time_index[time] = self._reorder_list(sortingList,self.time_index[time],ascending) return self
def _single_transform(self,colName,func,*args,**kwargs): if colName in arr =[colName] return func(arr,*args,**kwargs),'data' arr = self.labels[colName] return func(arr,*args,**kwargs),'labels' def _list_transform(self,inputList,func,*args,**kwargs): arrDict = {} outputType = 'label' for col in inputList: if col in if col not in arrDict: arrDict[col] =[col] else: arrDict[f"{col}_{str(uuid.uuid4())}"] =[col] outputType='data' else: if col not in arrDict: arrDict[col] = self.labels[col] else: arrDict[f"{col}_{str(uuid.uuid4())}"] = self.labels[col] arrDict = func(arrDict,*args,**kwargs) return arrDict,outputType
[docs] def transform(self,inputLabels,newName,func,*args,**kwargs): """ transform the way of manipulating data this function is a wrapper of executing data manipulation Parameters ---------- inputLabels : str or list of string the input data pass into functions newName : str the new name or prefix for the output data if the function has specify the output name, it will become prefix func : function the function for data manipulation. the output of function requires to be dictiony of list, numpy array or pandas dataFrame. The final output should also have the same length as time_index Returns ------- self """ # transform if isinstance(inputLabels,list): arr,outputType = self._list_transform(inputLabels,func,*args,**kwargs) else: arr,outputType = self._single_transform(inputLabels,func,*args,**kwargs) # organize into dict if isinstance(arr,pd.DataFrame): arr = arr.to_dict(orient='list') arr = { f"{newName}_{k}": v for k, v in arr.items() } elif isinstance(arr,(list,np.ndarray)): arr = {newName:np.array(arr)} elif isinstance(arr,pd.Series): arr = {newName:arr.values} if outputType == 'data': self._data.update(arr) else: self._labels.update(arr) # update existing dict return self
def _get_all_info(self): dfDict = {} dfDict.update(self.time_index) dfDict.update(self.labels) dfDict.update( return dfDict def __repr__(self): return str(self._get_all_info()) def __eq__(self, other): left = self._get_all_info() right = other._get_all_info() if len(left) != len(right): return False for i in left: if i not in right: return False left[i] = list(left[i]) right[i] = list(right[i]) return left == right def __getitem__(self,ix): tmpInfo = tmpInfo.update(self.labels) info = {} if isinstance(ix,tuple): t = ix[0] info.update(self._get_dictionary_list_info(self.time_index,t,None)) for q in ix[1]: info.update(self._get_dictionary_list_info(tmpInfo,t,q)) else: info.update(self._get_dictionary_list_info(self.time_index,ix,None)) info.update(self._get_dictionary_list_info(tmpInfo,ix,None)) return info
[docs]class Time_Series_Data_Collection(object): def __init__(self,time_series_data,time_seriesIx,categoryIx): """ Time_Series_Data_Collection The dictionary version of Time_Series_Data This class is designed to handle multiple Time_Series_Data within one same category. Parameters ---------- time_series_data : dict of Time_Series_Data or Time_Series_Data if this parameter is a dict of Time_Series_Data, it will directly cast into this class. else, it will seperate teh Time_Series_Data according to the categoryIX column. time_seriesIx : str the name of time_seriesIx categoryIx : str the name of categoryIx Raises ------ ValueError invalid input data type """ time_series_data = copy.deepcopy(time_series_data) super().__init__() if isinstance(time_series_data,dict): if self._check_dict_type(time_series_data): self._time_series_data_collection = time_series_data else: raise ValueError('dict values have to be Time_Series_Data') else: self._time_series_data_collection = self._expand_time_series_data(time_series_data,categoryIx) self.timeLengthList = self._get_time_lengthList() self._time_series_Ix = time_seriesIx self._categoryIx = categoryIx def _get_time_lengthList(self): tmpList = [] for i in self._time_series_data_collection: tmpList.append(self._time_series_data_collection[i].time_length) return tmpList def _check_dict_type(self,time_series_data): check = True for i in time_series_data: check = isinstance(time_series_data[i],Time_Series_Data) if check == False: return check return check @property def time_series_data_collection(self): return self._time_series_data_collection
[docs] def set_time_series_data_collection(self,ix,time_series_data): """ set_time_series_data_collection alternative of setting time_series_collection data using this function, one can add a new key of Time_Series_Data. Parameters ---------- ix : str new key name time_series_data : Time_Series_Data data of the key Raises ------ ValueError invalid input data type """ if isinstance(time_series_data,Time_Series_Data): self._time_series_data_collection[ix] = time_series_data else: raise ValueError("data must be Time_Series_Data type")
[docs] def remove(self,key): """ remove remove the target key of Time_Series_Data remove the target key of Time_Series_Data Parameters ---------- key : str target key Returns ------- self """ if key in self._time_series_data_collection: self._time_series_data_collection.pop(key) return self
def _expand_time_series_data(self,time_series_data,categoryIx): dct = {} for i in list(set(time_series_data[:,[categoryIx]][categoryIx])): ixList = np.where(time_series_data[:,[categoryIx]][categoryIx]==i) tmp = {} tmp = Time_Series_Data() for t in time_series_data.time_index: tmp.set_time_index(time_series_data.time_index[t][ixList],t) for d in tmp.set_data([d][ixList],d) for l in time_series_data.labels: tmp.set_labels(time_series_data.labels[l][ixList],l) tmp = tmp.remove(categoryIx) dct[i] = tmp return dct def _parallel_transform(self,category,time_series_data,inputLabels,newName,func,*args,**kwargs): return {category:time_series_data.transform(inputLabels,newName,func,*args,**kwargs)}
[docs] def transform(self,inputLabels,newName,func,n_jobs =1,verbose = 0,backend='loky',*args,**kwargs): """ transform the function of manipulating data for each keys. this function implments joblib parallel execution. Hence, each key of data can be compute in the parallel fashion. Parameters ---------- inputLabels : str or list of string the input data pass into functions newName : str the new name or prefix for the output data if the function has specify the output name, it will become prefix func : function the function for data manipulation. the output of function requires to be dictiony of list, numpy array or pandas dataFrame. The final output should also have the same length as time_index n_jobs : int, optional number of processes (joblib), by default 1 verbose : int, optional log level (joblib), by default 0 backend : str, optional backend type (joblib), by default 'loky' Returns ------- self """ dctList= Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs,verbose = verbose, backend=backend)(delayed(self._parallel_transform)( c,self._time_series_data_collection[c],inputLabels,newName,func,*args,**kwargs ) for c in self.time_series_data_collection) results = {} for i in dctList: results.update(i) self._time_series_data_collection = results return self
[docs] def remove_different_time_index(self): """ remove_different_time_index remove the time period which does not exisit in other Time_Series_Data Returns ------- self """ timeix = [] for i in self._time_series_data_collection: timeix.extend(self._time_series_data_collection[i][:][self._time_series_Ix]) timeix = Counter(timeix) timeCol = [k for k,v in timeix.items() if v == len(self._time_series_data_collection)] for i in self._time_series_data_collection: tmp_time = Time_Series_Data() ix = np.isin(self._time_series_data_collection[i][:][self._time_series_Ix],timeCol) for t in self._time_series_data_collection[i].time_index: tmp = self._time_series_data_collection[i].time_index[t][ix] tmp_time.set_time_index(tmp,t) for d in self._time_series_data_collection[i].data: tmp = self._time_series_data_collection[i].data[d][ix] tmp_time.set_data(tmp,d) for l in self._time_series_data_collection[i].labels: tmp = self._time_series_data_collection[i].labels[l][ix] tmp_time.set_labels(tmp,l) self._time_series_data_collection[i] = tmp_time return self
def _numpy_fill_missing(self,orgArray,posList,fillMissing): nanList = np.empty(len(posList),object) nanList[:] = fillMissing if orgArray.ndim == 1: nanList[posList] = orgArray return nanList nanList[:len(orgArray)] = orgArray.tolist() ixList = np.append(np.where(posList==1),np.where(posList==0)) ixList = ixList.tolist() idx = np.empty_like(ixList) idx[ixList] = np.arange(len(ixList)) return nanList[idx]
[docs] def pad_time_index(self,fillMissing=np.nan): """ pad_time_index fill certain values for each missing time_index for the Time_Series_Data comparing to different keys Parameters ---------- fillMissing : object, optional the filling values, by default np.nan Returns ------- self """ timeix = [] for i in self._time_series_data_collection: timeix.extend(self._time_series_data_collection[i][:][self._time_series_Ix]) timeix = sorted(list(set(timeix))) for i in self._time_series_data_collection: tmp_time = Time_Series_Data() tmp_time.set_time_index(timeix,self._time_series_Ix) tmp = self._time_series_data_collection[i] for t in tmp.time_index: posList= np.isin(timeix,tmp.time_index[t]) for d in nanList = self._numpy_fill_missing([d],posList,fillMissing) tmp_time.set_data(nanList,d) for l in tmp.labels: nanList = self._numpy_fill_missing(tmp.labels[l],posList,fillMissing) tmp_time.set_labels(nanList,l) self._time_series_data_collection[i] = tmp_time return self
[docs] def sort(self,ascending=True,categoryList=None): """ sort sort the Time_Series_Data for specific keys or all keys Parameters ---------- ascending : bool, optional sorting for ascending order, by default True categoryList : list, optional list of key names. if None, it will sort all, by default None Returns ------- self """ if categoryList is None: categoryList = list(self._time_series_data_collection.keys()) for i in categoryList: self._time_series_data_collection[i] =self._time_series_data_collection[i].sort(ascending) return self
def __iter__(self): for i in self.time_series_data_collection: yield i def __repr__(self): return str(self._time_series_data_collection) def __getitem__(self,ix): return self._time_series_data_collection[ix] def __eq__(self,other): cateList = sorted(list(self.time_series_data_collection.keys())) otherCateList = sorted(list(other.time_series_data_collection.keys())) if (cateList == otherCateList) == False: return False for i in cateList: if self.time_series_data_collection[i] != other.time_series_data_collection[i]: return False return True
[docs] def dropna(self,categoryKey = None): """ dropna drop null values by a specific key or all if categoryKey is None, it will drop all keys Parameters ---------- categoryKey : str or numeric data, optional the key of target data, by default None Returns ------- self """ for i in self.time_series_data_collection: if categoryKey is None or i == categoryKey: self._time_series_data_collection[i] = self._time_series_data_collection[i].dropna() return self